OXYSWING - PSA oxygen generators features

IGS is proud to present its OXYSWING line, the first flexible oxygen generation system in the world.

OXYSWING generators can be easily adapted to changed oxygen supply conditions at any time by simply altering the number of PSA modules of the unit. An easy modification at the installation site which doesn’t require any skilled personnel.

Besides, these systems set market standards in terms of performance and efficiency thanks to the latest PSA technology. Other features like compact design make them the preferred solution for several applications.

Our oxygen generators are an interesting alternative oxygen source if compared with externally purchased oxygen in gaseous or liquid form. OXYSWING generators give the possibility to generate oxygen independently from gas supplier at very competitive costs.


  • Flexibility
  • Stable Purity
  • Unlimited Capacity
  • Safety (Low Pessure)
  • Invariable O2 Cost

All our standard models can be enhanced by a series of optional features to allow the user to have a custom-built solution that meets his individual requirements.

The plants can be supplied on skids or turnkey assembled inside ISO containers. All the components are selected according to the customer’s specific environmental conditions.


IGS Italia S.r.l. - Via Giordania 48, 58100 Grosseto, Italy. - P. IVA: 01242940532 - Phone: +39 (0564) 45 80 41/42