Customer Satisfaction Policy

Our business cannot exist without customers. Therefore, we consider customer service of vital importance. It is our company philosophy to form a close working relationship with our customers to make sure that either the offered instrument air or gas generation system or the proposed service is as close to their requirements as possible.

1. Face-to-Face Dealings

It is important for us to meet our customers personally at least once or even twice during the course of a project. We prefer that our customers relate to and work with someone from our organization they have actually met in person, rather than a voice on the phone or someone typing into an email or messenger program.

2. Prompt Response to Messages, We Keep Our Clients Informed

We are committed to responding to our customers in a timely manner. In case it will be impossible to deal with a customer’s query within a reasonable time frame, at least we will send him/her an email or call back in order to confirm that we received the message and with a clear time indication when we will reply. Even if we are not able to solve a problem right away, we let the customer know that we are working on it.

3. Friendly and Approachable

We will always be friendly and courteous in order to make our customers feel that we are there to help them out. Whatever happens, it is vital that we keep a clear head, respond to our customers’ wishes as best we can, and at all times remain polite and courteous.

4. Clearly-Defined Customer Service Policy

There’s nothing more annoying for a customer than being passed from person to person, or not knowing who to turn to. Therefore, we consider of utmost importance that our customers know exactly what to do at each stage of their enquiry.

5. Attention to Details

We will personalize our service as much as possible to make our customers feel welcomed, wanted and
valued. We will fully respect our customers’ local and religion traditions at all times and we will act and behave accordingly.

6. Honour Promises

This is the most important point of our policy: when we promise something, we deliver. In the exceptional case that something may not get done, or we might miss a deadline through reasons outside our organization, we will apologize and inform the customer in time about the new date when our activity is expected to be accomplished.

IGS Italia s.r.l.
August 2011


IGS Italia S.r.l. - Via Giordania 48, 58100 Grosseto, Italy. - P. IVA: 01242940532 - Phone: +39 (0564) 45 80 41/42